2006/5/25, vincent removed_email_address@domain.invalid:
I’m trying to resolve a very simple problem, but I’m encountering some
Input: “this is a string where you can find some words”
Output: [this, string, where, can, find, some, words]
irb(main):001:0> “this is a string where you can find some
words”.scan(/\w+/).reject {|w| case w; when “is”, “a”, “you”
then true else false end }
=> [“this”, “string”, “where”, “can”, “find”, “some”, “words”]
So I’m trying to eliminate ’ is ', ’ a ’ and ’ you ’ from the string
(note the spaces, ‘this’ shouldn’t be eliminated just because it
includes ‘is’).
I tried the following (and many others), but it doens’t work:
my_string = input_string.gsub!(/\s+(is|a|you)\s+/i,’ ').split
Anchoring at word boundaries helps:
irb(main):006:0> “this is a string where you can find some
words”.gsub(/\b(is|a|you)\s+/, ’ ').split /\s+/
=> [“this”, “string”, “where”, “can”, “find”, “some”, “words”]
This one is probably a bit more efficient
irb(main):011:0> require ‘enumerator’
=> true
irb(main):012:0> “this is a string where you can find some
words”.to_enum(:scan, /\w+/).select {|w| /^(is|a|you)$/ !~ w
=> [“this”, “string”, “where”, “can”, “find”, “some”, “words”]
There’s a multitude of other solutions as the number of answers
Kind regards