ISSUE: Static content is not loaded from remote server where application
deployed, rather it is reading from the server where NGinx is installed.
Nginx-1.8.0 is installed (on the server nginx.corp.stel.no)
Proxy pass to another server (workspace.corp.stel.no) for an webrequest
Below configurations made:
server {
listen 80;
server_name workspace.corp.stel.no;
location /{
proxy_pass http://stelworkspace/workspace/agentLogin/;
location ~* \.(js|jpg|png|css|woff|svg|gif|eot|ttf)$ {
root /var/gvp/Nginx/nginx-1.8.0/ser_static_info;
expires 30d;
This is reading data from local Nginx server (nginx.corp.test.no) and
from the remote server (workspace.corp.stel.no) where application is
Tried below option too…
location ~"*\.(js|jpg|png|css)$" {
root http://workspace123/workspace/;
expires 30d;
Nothing seems working
Pls. assist here? If given an example…would be appreciated
Best regards,
Posted at Nginx Forum:
Hi, ISSUE: Static content is not loaded from remote server where application is deployed, rather it is reading from the server where NGinx is installed. ------------------------------------------------------- Nginx-1.8.0 is installed (on the server...
On Sun, Jul 12, 2015 at 05:09:09PM -0400, smsmaddy1981 wrote:
Hi there,
ISSUE: Static content is not loaded from remote server where application is
deployed, rather it is reading from the server where NGinx is installed.
Hi Team, I have static content available on the remote server (say NODE 02) and PATH: ../livetest/WEB-INF/static/classes/ under which I have /image, /js, /styles folders I have installed nginx-1.8.0 on server (Say Node 01). While accessing the appl
You do not want to use “root”.
You do want to use “proxy_pass”.
Exactly what “proxy_pass” to use, depends on what the answers to the
questions in that mail are.
Francis D. removed_email_address@domain.invalid
Hi Francis.,
I have updated my old request
Hi Team, I have static content available on the remote server (say NODE 02) and PATH: ../livetest/WEB-INF/static/classes/ under which I have /image, /js, /styles folders I have installed nginx-1.8.0 on server (Say Node 01). While accessing the appl
Awaiting for your response pls.
Best regards,
Posted at Nginx Forum:
Hi, ISSUE: Static content is not loaded from remote server where application is deployed, rather it is reading from the server where NGinx is installed. ------------------------------------------------------- Nginx-1.8.0 is installed (on the server...