Render an action if coming from ajax request

I have a Rails web app working, and I am now working on a mobile app
using Phonegap. Phonegap works only with javascript/html, so I make Ajax
request to my web app and render things if the request is make from

This is what I have in my controller action
if request.xhr?
render :controller => ‘user_session’, :action => ‘new’, :layout =>
false params[:id].present?
render :controller => ‘user’, :action => ‘new’, :layout => false if
redirect_to login_path if params[:id].present?
redirect_to register_path if params[:id].blank?

My javascript
HOST = ‘localhost:3000’;
new Ajax.Request(HOST,
method: ‘get’,
onComplete: function(transport){alert(‘kikoo’);}

I have two problem with this code, the first one is that it doesn’t
recognize that I am making an Ajax request because it is going in the
else condition. And the second problem is that if I remove the if
statement I have rendering problem, it tries to render the new action
from the current controller.


On 8 June 2010 09:20, Greg Ma [email protected] wrote:

false params[:id].present?
There is an ‘if’ missing above


Colin L. wrote:

On 8 June 2010 09:20, Greg Ma [email protected] wrote:

false params[:id].present?
There is an ‘if’ missing above

I fixed that, consider the ‘if’ is there

On 8 June 2010 09:20, Greg Ma [email protected] wrote:

false params[:id].present?
method: ‘get’,
onComplete: function(transport){alert(‘kikoo’);}

I have two problem with this code, the first one is that it doesn’t
recognize that I am making an Ajax request because it is going in the
else condition

Have you looked in the log to see what the request is? Have you
broken in to the code using ruby-debug for example to check the value
of request.xhr?

. And the second problem is that if I remove the if
statement I have rendering problem, it tries to render the new action
from the current controller.

Again does the log show anything useful?


Colin L. wrote:

On 8 June 2010 09:20, Greg Ma [email protected] wrote:

false params[:id].present?
�method: ‘get’,
�onComplete: function(transport){alert(‘kikoo’);}

I have two problem with this code, the first one is that it doesn’t
recognize that I am making an Ajax request because it is going in the
else condition

Have you looked in the log to see what the request is? Have you
broken in to the code using ruby-debug for example to check the value
of request.xhr?

. And the second problem is that if I remove the if
statement I have rendering problem, it tries to render the new action
from the current controller.

Again does the log show anything useful?


Yes I have check the log and it doesn’t help. I logged each step and I
confirm that it is not an Ajax request…

Processing HomeController#index (for at 2010-06-08 11:13:56)
Parameters: {“action”=>“index”, “id”=>“”, “controller”=>“home”}
no current user no xhr
Redirected to http://localhost:3000/register
Completed in 15ms (DB: 0) | 302 Found [http://localhost/?id=]

On Jun 8, 10:15 am, Greg Ma [email protected] wrote:

Yes I have check the log and it doesn’t help. I logged each step and I
confirm that it is not an Ajax request…

Rails looks at the X-Requested-With header to see if a request was an
ajax one. Prototype, jquery etc. set this header, but if phonegap
doesn’t then rails won’t consider it to be an ajax request


Frederick C. wrote:

Rails looks at the X-Requested-With header to see if a request was an
ajax one. Prototype, jquery etc. set this header, but if phonegap
doesn’t then rails won’t consider it to be an ajax request


I’m not making the Ajax query with phonegap but with prototype

I don’t understand, I’ve been testing on Firefox and now I am on Safari
and it works…
Someone has an idea why?

Frederick C. wrote:

On Jun 8, 10:15�am, Greg Ma [email protected] wrote:

Yes I have check the log and it doesn’t help. I logged each step and I
confirm that it is not an Ajax request…

Rails looks at the X-Requested-With header to see if a request was an
ajax one. Prototype, jquery etc. set this header, but if phonegap
doesn’t then rails won’t consider it to be an ajax request


X-Requested-With header looks like this when I execute the Ajac in
Access-Control-Request-He… x-prototype-version,x-requested-with