Render :text => ... encoding error?

render :text => “stuff <#{@app || ‘no app’}>”

displays in browser as “stuff” (no quotes)

this occurs independent of whether @app has a value, and either way,
the “<” and “>” should be rendered.

i haven’t an idea what is causing this; could it be an encoding issue,
or a bug of some sort?

the only workaround I have found is that

render :text => “stuff < #{@app || ‘no app’}>”

i.e. insertion of a space between “<” and “#” will properly render:

stuff < no app>

wierd. any ideas?

On Jul 14, 7:55 pm, Jim C. [email protected] wrote:

render :text => “stuff <#{@app || ‘no app’}>”

displays in browser as “stuff” (no quotes)

this occurs independent of whether @app has a value, and either way,
the “<” and “>” should be rendered.

< and > are special characters in html, what you are producing is
invalid html (which leaves you at the browser’s mercy).


render :text => “stuff <#{@app || ‘no app’}>”

On Jul 14, 4:20 pm, Frederick C. [email protected]