ReOrdering Wx::TreeCtrl Items

Given the following hash:
@project_list = {
‘Contract0’ => nil,
‘Contract1’ => {
‘Project1’ => nil,
‘Project2’ => nil,
‘Project3’ => {
‘task1’ => nil,
‘task2’ => nil,
‘task3’ => nil
‘Contract3’ => {
‘Project1’ => nil
‘Contract4’ => nil,
‘Contract5’ => nil,
‘Contract6long contract with Characters ~!!@#$!@$%#$&$^&(^&()’ =>
‘Contract7’ => nil,
‘Contract8’ => nil,
‘Contract9’ => nil
#And Given the following code:
@tc_project_list =, :size =>, 150), :style => Wx::TR_HIDE_ROOT | Wx::TR_EDIT_LABELS
tcr_project_root = @tc_project_list.add_root(“Project List”)
populate_project_tree(@project_list, tcr_project_root)
def populate_project_tree(h_project_list, parent_node)
h_project_list.each {|key, value|
tree_node = @tc_project_list.append_item(parent_node,
if value.class.to_s == “Hash”
populate_project_tree(value, tree_node)
The big picture is to be able to populate the tree control and then
re-order (NOT sorting) the items in the tree control. Is this possible?
I have looked in the examples and haven’t found anything like this. I
suspect it is possible with the get sibling functions, but I haven’t
been able to piece together a way to accomplish this yet.
Anyone have any ideas?

Also I am noticing an odd thing (and I’m sure this must be something I’m
doing) - When looking at my TreeCtrl - Contract0/Contract1 show up at
the bottom of the list, not at the top. Contract3 is at the top.


EchoB wrote:

The big picture is to be able to populate the tree control and then
re-order (NOT sorting) the items in the tree control. Is this possible?

There’s two ways to sort a TreeCtrl. Either

  1. Subclass TreeCtrl and create an on_compare_items method in your
    subclass. This will be called whenever the ‘sort_items’ is called. The
    method will be passed pairs of TreeItem ids to compare, and should
    return -1, 0 or 1 to indicate whether the first item comes before, equal
    to or after the second item.

  1. Maintain the order of the items as they are inserted.
    TreeCtrl#append_item is commonly used in the samples and adds the new
    item as the last child of the specified parent. But you can also add
    items to the tree using TreeCtrl#insert_item and #insert_item_before.
    With these you pass an additional argument to specify where the new item
    should be placed relative to the existing children of the parent item:

The second way is probably better (simpler, more efficient) if the
project/task children in your example should always be shown in the same
order. 1) is really useful if you want the user to be able to vary the
order in which children are shown, for example, if you want them to be
able to order by start date OR end date OR name.

As a side hint in case you hadn’t seen this feature, if the items in a
TreeCtrl are closely linked to program or database objects like a
“Project” or “Task”, look into using item_data (which can be passed as
an argument to insert/append) to maintain that link. It means the
TreeCtrl can work like a Ruby hash using get_item_data. This will make
sorting the items easier.

Note that there is no method in Wx to move a TreeItem. It must be
deleted and re-inserted/re-appended somewhere else.

Also I am noticing an odd thing (and I’m sure this must be something I’m
doing) - When looking at my TreeCtrl - Contract0/Contract1 show up at
the bottom of the list, not at the top. Contract3 is at the top.
This is because in ruby 1.8 the order in which key/value pairs are added
to a hash isn’t guaranteed to be the order in which calling “each” and
similar will yield the pairs. Hashes, unlike Arrays, aren’t ordered.
Testing your example with ruby 1.8, Contract3 is the first key yielded
by each.

This changes in Ruby 1.9, in which hash is ordered and “each” will
return the items in your example in order they’re declared.
