how can replace a text from all files in
“/home/user” directory and sub directories (tree)…
Pokkai D. wrote:
how can replace a text from all files in
“/home/user” directory and sub directories (tree)…
Try this:
Dir.glob(’/Users/me/2testing/dir2/**/*’) do |fname|
next if“temp.txt”, “w”) do |temp_file|
IO.foreach(fname) do |line| #fname is from outer loop
new_line = line.gsub(“hello world”, “goodbye”)
File.rename("temp.txt", fname)
** means to look in the current directory and all subdirectories for
the filenames *, where * means all file names(including directory
thanks 7stud
On Oct 5, 7:33 am, 7stud – [email protected] wrote:
IO.foreach(fname) do |line| #fname is from outer loop new_line = line.gsub("hello world", "goodbye") temp_file.print(new_line) end File.delete(fname) File.rename("temp.txt", fname)
This botched code bombs. Don’t ever post untest code without
stating that it is untested code.
On Oct 5, 2007, at 10:33 AM, 7stud – wrote:
What you want a EULA(gy)?
William J. wrote:
This botched code bombs. Don’t ever post untest code without
stating that it is untested code.
William J. wrote:
This botched code bombs. Don’t ever post untest code without
stating that it is untested code.
My god… you ran code posted to a mailing list blindly?!?
I made that mistake… once.
Pokkai D. wrote:
how can replace a text from all files in
“/home/user” directory and sub directories (tree)…
Using a little UNIX magic, you can get away with a shorter solution:
find /home/user -type f -print0 | xargs -0
ruby -pe ‘gsub /pattern/, “replacement”’ -i.bak
The “-i” will modify the file in-place and the “.bak” after it will make
a backup of the original file with a “.bak” suffix.
You could also use sed, awk, perl, etc. in place of ‘ruby’ in the same
Wayne E. Seguin wrote:
William J. wrote:
This botched code bombs. Don’t ever post untest code without
stating that it is untested code.My god… you ran code posted to a mailing list blindly?!?
I made that mistake… once.~Wayne
puts “Whiner!”