Request processing rate and reverse proxy


I have setup nginx 1.9.3 as a reverse proxy [1] with a rate limitation
server [2]. The rate limitation does not work on this scenario. The rate
request limitation works well if I use nginx as a normal webserver (for
example to serve the default welcome page).

I have attached my configuration files (listen on 80 and redirect to
another webserver running lighttpd).

[1] Module ngx_http_proxy_module
[2] Module ngx_http_limit_req_module

Best Regards,

PS : You can run it in a docker using the following commands if you

docker run --rm --name nginx -p 8082:80 -v
/yourdir/nginx.conf:/etc/nginx/nginx.conf:ro -v
/yourdir/default.conf:/etc/nginx/conf.d/default.conf --link

docker run --rm --name backend -p 8081:80 jprjr/lighttpd

Go to http://localhost:8082/ in your web browser.

Hello guys,

Is it a bug, something not implemented or a mistake on my side?


On Mon, Feb 29, 2016 at 5:05 PM, Guillaume Charhon <


On Mon, Feb 29, 2016 at 05:05:16PM +0100, Guillaume Charhon wrote:

I have setup nginx 1.9.3 as a reverse proxy [1] with a rate limitation per
server [2]. The rate limitation does not work on this scenario. The rate
request limitation works well if I use nginx as a normal webserver (for
example to serve the default welcome page).

I have attached my configuration files (listen on 80 and redirect to
another webserver running lighttpd).

There is no “limit_req” directive anywhere in your config, so it’s
not a surprise rate limiting does not work.

You have to configure both “limit_req_zone” (to configure shared
memory zone to store states) and “limit_req” (to configure
particular limits in particular locations), see
details here:

Maxim D.

Hello Maxim,

You are completely right. I must have been completely tired to miss it.

Thank you,