Require expectations library confusion

I’m on Ubuntu 10.10, and I’m trying to figure out what I’m missing in
regards to the require statement for RSpec’s expectation library.

Any code I see on the web requires rspec like:
require ‘spec/expectations’

but to get it to work I always have to change it to
require ‘rspec/expectations’

More of a curiosity than anything else.

That sounds suspiciously like something on your system thinks it is
RSpec 1.x whereas something else thinks it’s RSpec 2.x.

Have you tried using rvm to manage your rubies?

What do ‘gem list’ and ‘sudo gem list’ tell you?


Yeah ‘spec/’ is RSpec 1.x and 'rspec/’ is RSpec 2.x. The stuff you’re
seeing on the web is referring to RSpec 1.x.