I am reletively a newbie to Rails. I utilized Restful Authentication
plugin from techno-weenie for a new application I am developing.
I wanted my application to be test driven (TTD). All went smoothly
until I added a validates_presence_of validation to a new model
attribute (address) I introduced to the User model and then try to run
the test. The test failed claming the new attribute I supplied was
Here what I did:
- Added a new field (address) to the users table using a migration.
- Included a validates_presence_of :address to the User model.
- changed the user_test accordingly.
def create_user(options = {})
User.create({:login => ‘quire’, :email =>
‘[email protected]’, :password => ‘quire’, :password_confirmation =>
‘quire’, :address => ‘myaddress’ }.merge(options))
- run the unit test by rake test:units
The test failed and it seems the value for the address field didn’t
get saved in the test database.
I tried recreating the test database with rake db:test:clone, rake
db:test:clone_structure but failed again.
I use SQLite3 as the database.
Please help me to overcome this issue.
Thank you.