Rewrite undecoded URL

Hello. We are trying to use the nginx rewrite rule, without the
of URL decoding. The relevant portion of our test configuration is:

 location ~ ^/p/stratus.* {

    include                             conf.d/hosts.conf;

    proxy_pass                          http://localhost:8080;
    proxy_set_header Host        $host;

    # strip leading /p (note that 'break' stops processing

ngx_http_rewrite_module directives, including ‘set’)

    rewrite ^/p(.*)$

$scheme://$server_addr/?redirect_to=$scheme://$host/$1 break;

 location / {
    return 200 'Twas Brillig...';

The rewite behaves properly in stripping off the /p but writes the
url rather than leaving it untouched. We have enocded slashes (/) – %2F

within the URI. Not as parameters but in the body of the url. Nginx is
decoding these and we need to pass the url upstream intact but with the

Any help would be appreciated, as we’re out of ideas.

Posted at Nginx Forum:

On Thu, Mar 19, 2015 at 11:52:41AM -0400, youngde811 wrote:

Hi there,

Hello. We are trying to use the nginx rewrite rule, without the application
of URL decoding. The relevant portion of our test configuration is:

I’m afraid that I am not sure what response you want nginx to give to
your incoming request.

But if you want to mangle a variable, “map” is usually a good thing
to use.

For example

map $request_uri $strip_the_slash_p {
default “”;
~^/p(?P/.*) $one;

and then you can later use the variable where it is set, such as

location /p/ {
return 301 $strip_the_slash_p;


Francis D. removed_email_address@domain.invalid