I just made some modifications to the RForum User model that I think
others might find interesting.
I’ve modified it to use the same authorization scheme as
acts_as_authenticated, so integrating the forum with another stand alone
app - or just sharing database and user details with another app - is
made easy.
The modification is made to RForum 0.2 and can be downloaded as a zip
from http://clanwhiskey.net/bobfunk/rforum_modification.zip
The zip consists of the new user model, a new migration to add a salt
column to the user table and some new user fixtures for testing.
Just replace the exisisting files in a fresh rforum install with the
ones in the zip to make the modification.
Now it should be very easy to integrate RForum with any app using
acts_as_authenticated and the authentication method should also be a bit
more secure (SHA1 instead of MD5 and a salted).