Right way to partly upgrade standard library?


Following on from my discovery that the 1.9 version of Pathname is
for Windows, what’s the right way to incorporate that file into a 1.8.4
setup while avoiding disruption?

  1. Should I replace the existing pathname.rb?

But what if there’s some existing library that depends on the specifics
the old one?

  1. Should I add pathname.rb with a new name (pathname19.rb)?

… and then require that file (instead of the old one) where I needed

It’s one thing for my code to specifically require the newer file, but
some other library I call will use the old one when I really want it to
how to deal with Windows paths. Hmmm.

  1. What’s the general procedure for even determining whether the new
    offers compatible methods etc?

Scratching head…



At Sat, 2 Sep 2006 11:45:26 +0900,
Graham W. wrote in [ruby-talk:212227]:

Following on from my discovery that the 1.9 version of Pathname is needed
for Windows, what’s the right way to incorporate that file into a 1.8.4
setup while avoiding disruption?

pathname.rb in 1.8.5 is same as 1.9.