I’m in trouble with the Ruby-Java-Bridge.
The Java code snippet is:
KEMListEditor subConceptListKEM = kemConcept.getSubConcepts(null, null,
kemConcept.getSubConcepts has parameters:
KEMAbstractConceptEditor.getSubConcepts(String arg0, String arg1,
Boolean arg2)
I tried this in Ruby:
subConceptListKEM = @concept.getSubConcepts(nil, nil, false)
and this
subConceptListKEM =
The answer is always: “Fail: unknown method name”
I modified the call with:
@jBoolean = Rjb::import(‘java.lang.Boolean’)
subConceptListKEM = @concept.getSubConcepts(nil, nil, tFalse)
but it’s still the same error. I think it could be the “null”.
I replaced “nil” witch “” - same result.
Do you have any tip for me?
Greetings from Wolfram