I’m trying to reload a page element with RJS after an ajax call and it
works in FireFox but not IE.
the method in products_controller.rb
def option_add
@product = Product.find(params[:id])
@option = Option.find(params[:option_id])
@product.options << @option
# update partial
render :update do |page|
ajax snippet in _options_list.haml
= link_to_remote image_tag(‘cms/add_16.gif’, :class=>‘control’, :id =>
“option_add”), :url => { :action => ‘option_add’, :id => @product.id },
:with => “‘option_id=’+$F(‘option_id’)”, :method => :post, :before =>
“$(‘option_add’).hide( );$(‘option_indicator’).show( );”, :success =>
“$(‘option_add’).show( );$(‘option_indicator’).hide();”, :failure =>
“$(‘option_add’).show( );$(‘option_indicator’).hide();”
full _options_list.haml
- unless @product.options.length == 0;
@product.options.each do |option|
= option.name
= link_to_remote image_tag(‘cms/delete_16.gif’, :alt=>‘Delete’,
:id => “option_delete_#{option.id}”), :url => { :action =>
‘option_delete’, :id => @product.id }, :with => “‘option_id=#{ option.id
}’”, :method => :post, :before =>
);”, :failure =>
:confirm => “Are you sure?”
= image_tag(“cms/spinner.gif”, :id =>
“option_indicator_#{option.id}”, :style => “display:none”)
@product.options.each do |option|
- else
%p No options selected.
%label Available:
= collection_select(:option, :id, @available_options, :id, :name)
= link_to_remote image_tag(‘cms/add_16.gif’, :class=>‘control’, :id
=> “option_add”), :url => { :action => ‘option_add’, :id => @product.id
}, :with => “‘option_id=’+$F(‘option_id’)”, :method => :post, :before =>
“$(‘option_add’).hide( );$(‘option_indicator’).show( );”, :success =>
“$(‘option_add’).show( );$(‘option_indicator’).hide();”, :failure =>
“$(‘option_add’).show( );$(‘option_indicator’).hide();”
= image_tag("cms/spinner.gif", :id => "option_indicator", :class =>
“control”, :style => “display:none”)