Ror code please just help me in findng solution

write a Ruby on Rails web application that uses Twitter Bootstrap for
its design and has one action that will fetch this page using the
mechanize gem:

    and then search for the names starting with "a" in the city of

“BAGBAHARA” by submitting the form. Then, parse the result page and then
print on the screen the telephone number, name and address for each
record on the result page. The output should be shown using a table
styled with Twitter Bootstrap. So, the output will look something like
| Tel No | Name | Address |
| 209089 | Atul Bagga | Bagga Niwas, etc.etc. |

(print like this for all records)

    This rails app should be deployed to heroku using the heroku


Are you attending interview on

  Is this really necessary to get job on someones work.

  Then what are you doing?...Are you really a Rails 


   Dont post interviewtasks on this group.

Please, let’s keep this classy.


On May 16, 2012, at 11:05 AM, Prajwal B. wrote:

or else even i can talk vulgar than you see how this

Another one in the “ignore filter” pool…

On May 16, 4:05pm, “Prajwal B.” removed_email_address@domain.invalid wrote:

Muruga if you dont know the idea say dont know and i am fresher in ror
so i felt if i post the questions i may get ideas

If that’s what you wanted then you should indicate which specific bits
you are having trouble with, which bits you have got working so far
etc. rather than posting something that just looks like a copy/pasted
homework question / recruitment question.


Hi Prajwal
Dont behave silly .You are not really professional
behave like illiterate.Even they also behave decently than you…

           Do you know who am i .I am the person conducting 

for you.

           First be discipline then knowledge will come 



On Wed, May 16, 2012 at 8:50 PM, Frederick C. <

oh really i just said give me idea help me in getting a solution man
not write entire code do entire project and return anyway i am getting
solution myself trying hard and hoping best and hoping to return it
within case i cant ok i know maybe i require some more time
to spend with ror and achieve job in this web development sector i
accept man maybe the way i asked posted question was not rite but
calling loser is too much did i mentioned you personally muruga write a
code loser something like that for this question no rite then how come
you say loser to anyone is this way being professional you talk with
others. do you know who i am?? whoever you r man you dont have any rite
to shout a person like this. this shows me you r overheaded and think
great yourself cheapo you want to create fear in person saying you r
interviewer there r many jobs man got it you fool since certain person
has intrest in certain field they will go for it if you cant help say
like this 'please dont post interview questions this is not for it"
rather than if you shout who is goin to care cheapo. good… bye…
man. madarchod.

could i just know where and how to define a mechanize action for
page consider in my rails app.

Hey muruga i am rejected from fameexpress man see i really had respect
for your organisation being a fresher i thought this is the organisation
i tried everything possible with at the certain point i took help of few
people i except man but what you do donkey’s do there same neenu ade
madod bevarshi asshole’s will anyone give live project to fresher you
fool them one day they try day and nigth you people easily say we r not
hiring you thats the other point we have other organisation to work and
we could build our own organisation do you know how hard i tried and
it’s finally implementing a project and posting at forums is not
cheating man beacause this purpose forums are opened stupid’s i will
give a job for a fresher if he has little knowledge thats what didnt i
give you entire thing manually if i can be done automatically using
mechanize gem i was trying here withoput money how much to work for one
and there is no guarantee of getting job Katte mattu,hesarakatte let me
see man fetch this page within an hour
and links and submit from you read this let me see man then github not
upload anything thats correct ya it will be like cheating an
organisation but what about you cheating others asshole by the way how
many people you gave this question there are certain situation leading
me to get a job and work for few years anyway assholes bye take care man
muruga looser.

HI Prajwal

I can see that you are aware of, please consider using

On Fri, May 18, 2012 at 7:09 PM, Prajwal B. removed_email_address@domain.invalid

To post to this group, send email to removed_email_address@domain.invalid.
To unsubscribe from this group, send email to
For more options, visit this group at

  • Aziz M. Bookwala

Website | Twitter

Muruga wrote in post #1061096:

Hi Prajwal
Dont behave silly .You are not really professional
behave like illiterate.Even they also behave decently than you…

           Do you know who am i .I am the person conducting

for you.

           First be discipline then knowledge will come



On Wed, May 16, 2012 at 8:50 PM, Frederick C. <

Hey muruga i am rejected from fameexpress man see i really had respect
for your organisation being a fresher i thought this is the organisation
i tried everything possible with at the certain point i took help of few
people i except man but what you do donkey’s do there same neenu ade
madod bevarshi asshole’s will anyone give live project to fresher you
fool them one day they try day and nigth you people easily say we r not
hiring you thats the other point we have other organisation to work and
we could build our own organisation do you know how hard i tried and
it’s finally implementing a project and posting at forums is not
cheating man beacause this purpose forums are opened stupid’s i will
give a job for a fresher if he has little knowledge thats what didnt i
give you entire thing manually if i can be done automatically using
mechanize gem i was trying here withoput money how much to work for one
and there is no guarantee of getting job Katte mattu,hesarakatte let me
see man fetch this page within an hour
and links and submit from you read this let me see man then github not
upload anything thats correct ya it will be like cheating an
organisation but what about you cheating others asshole by the way how
many people you gave this question there are certain situation leading
me to get a job and work for few years anyway assholes bye take care man
muruga looser.