For scaling reason I had to slipt an ElastiSearch index in many indexes basicaly by year. So to request it in a simple manner I ceated a Repository class for each year and since I am writing in ruby, I decided to generate my classes at runtime this way:
module ElasticSearch
require 'elasticsearch/persistence'
module Repository
def self.init_repositories
[2011, 2012, 2013, 2014, 2015, 2016, 2017, 2018, 2019].each do |year|
unless Object.const_defined?("ElasticSearch::Repository#{year}")
Class.new {
include Elasticsearch::Persistence::Repository
include Elasticsearch::Persistence::Repository::DSL
@@es_client = Elasticsearch::Model.client
@@indexname = "#{year}_elastic_repository_#{Rails.env}"
@@indextype = @@indexname
Things are working nicely at least in production and my classes are nicely found but in dev mode it is a pain… I have often errors telling me that my classes are not existing. I added my init_repositories in initializers and even call it direclty before the error but it does not work… Does any one has a idea for me?
Tks a lot!