I like the new route_to matcher, but I can’t use it for my root route,
since the route that is generated isn’t the route that I pass in.
Specifically, my routes.rb has:
map.resources :skills, :only => [:index, :show]
map.root :controller => :skills, :action => :index, :conditions => {
:method => :get }
So, ‘/’ routes to SkillsController#index,
but { :controller => :skills, :action => :index }
generates ‘/skills’, an acceptable synonym.
So instead of being able to write:
{ :get, ‘/’ }.should route_to(:controller => ‘skills’, :action =>
I had to write the old style
params_from(:get, ‘/’).should == { :controller => ‘skills’, :action =>
‘index’ }
That works, but is inelegant.
I think I can code things up so that I could write:
{ :get, ‘/’ }.should route_to(:controller => ‘skills’, :action =>
If I understand how things work, I’d just need to add a
#which_generates method Spec::Rails::Matchers::RouteTo, and have it
set up an ivar that is used in the @example.assert_routing invocation.
I’m having some trouble accessing GitHub right now. Once it’s back,
try doing what I’ve described.
Anyone see a better solution that I’m overlooking?