Rspec and requests, and folders conventions

I’m trying to run rspec requests, using jruby, and I set the defaults in
env.rb file, but it doesn’t seem to be loaded when I run the specs.

My folder setup is:

/spec/support/env.rb (where I configured selenium as the driver etc.)

I also tried putting support here:


When I run rspec, it says I need a rack test or something.

I just want to confirm, will rspec auto load the env.rb with any of the
above folder conventions, or do I have to require it manually somewhere?

On Jan 16, 2012, at 9:16 AM, S Ahmed wrote:


When I run rspec, it says I need a rack test or something.

I just want to confirm, will rspec auto load the env.rb with any of the above
folder conventions,


or do I have to require it manually somewhere?

Yes. The convention is to do something like this in spec/spec_helper.rb:

Dir[“spec/support/**/*.rb”].each {|f| require f}

This can be found in the spec_helper.rb generated by rspec-rails when
you run “rake rspec:install”, but that’s just a convention/convenience.
There’s nothing in RSpec that implicitly loads files in spec/support.
