I have a class that expects some input via ‘gets’. I found that, when
testing, I can do something as simple as this:
@foo.stub!(:gets) { “stuff\n” }
However that only works in the most simple case. In my case the class
asks a series of questions that require a yes/no answer culminating in
some end state. The class then asks if the user would like to go
through the questions again and waits for a response of yes/no. If I
want to test a single run through the questions (answering ‘yes’ to all
of them) and I stub ‘gets’ to always reply with ‘yes’ then I have no way
of breaking out of the loop. The test I’m running dies and complains of
the stack being too deep.
So, my question is this:
How do folks typically go about testing classes that take input from
stdin? I can post more code if necessary but this is a pretty simple
question to which, I’m sure, there is a reasonable solution.