[RSpec]Doubt while Testing with RSpec


I have a library of RSpec Test examples. Now, from an upper ruby
layer, I need to run only individual separate test example from the
library that matches a particular string in the upper layer.

For Example:

My RSpec library file contains many test examples like:

describe arithmetic do

it “should provide a sum of two numbers” do
(1 + 2).should == 3

it “should provide a difference of two numbers” do
(5-4).should == 1


Now there is a ruby layer above from where I need to run the first
test i.e when my input is test_add the it “should provide a sum of
two numbers” must only run and give me results of test.
Similarly, if in the input I am accepting in my upper ruby code is
test_subtract, the 2nd test must run (it “should provide a difference
of two numbers”) and show the result of test.

Is this possible with RSpec ?

Thanks in advance,


On Jun 20, 2010, at 1:37 AM, Narayanan wrote:

describe arithmetic do

Now there is a ruby layer above from where I need to run the first
test i.e when my input is test_add the it “should provide a sum of
two numbers” must only run and give me results of test.
Similarly, if in the input I am accepting in my upper ruby code is
test_subtract, the 2nd test must run (it “should provide a difference
of two numbers”) and show the result of test.

Is this possible with RSpec ?

Yes. What version of RSpec are you using?