RSpec view test for :partial with :locals?

I’m currently working on some RSpec view tests and I’m having problems
with expect_render. Most of the expect_render’s work fine, but in one
of my views I have:

<%= render :partial => “user_cloud”, :locals => {:user =>
@featured_user} %>

I see that expect_render supports “:object” or “:collection” for the
second parameter, but this partial uses “:locals”. I tried
expect_render without the second parameter and with “:locals” and it
failed to match both times. I confirmed that the partial is rendering
in the test.log. Is there a way to match this render?

On a similar note, is there a way to test that layout views are
rendered? I can test that the :partials in the layout are rendered,
but not the layout file itself.

In both of these cases I know I could do a “has_tag” and test for
something inside the layout file or partial, but I’d rather test
contents in a view test for each partial and just verify that the
partial is rendered in the view tests that render the partial.

Thank you,


On Wed, Mar 12, 2008 at 3:19 AM, David S. [email protected]

failed to match both times. I confirmed that the partial is rendering
in the test.log. Is there a way to match this render?

Sounds like a missing feature. Please enter a ticket at

On a similar note, is there a way to test that layout views are

Not in view specs. Layouts are rendered by controllers, not by the
views themselves, so you should do that in controller specs.


Are you assigning @featured_user (ie: assigns[:featured_user]) before
you render your template? We use :locals w/o any problem, for example:

template.expect_render(:partial => ‘profiles/data’, :locals =>
{:profile => @profile}).and_return(%|

