RSS and images

Hi all,

Using the default Ruby RSS parser, which format is best suited to
pulling in images from feed elements, RSS2 or Atom?

And then, how do I use the RSS classes to pull those images, per feed
element? I am not finding examples, and the api is a bit baroque.

If it matters, I’m pulling RSS from Wordpress, of which I also have
admin access (can even change/set plugins).

Thank you!

Chris G.

Thanks for the reply back.

‘channel’, I believe, is a wrapper for items. So the code just seems to
pull back the logo for the feed, not individual item images.

Let me paste in a snippet of RSS:

Watering Holes: Memphis At the Santora <![CDATA[The SanTana outpost...

]]> <![CDATA[

The SanTana outpost...]]>

Wordpress uses content:encoded to store the media referenced in the

Is there a ruby way of getting to content:encoded?

Or does anyone know a way to force Wordpress to output better RSS?

Thanks again,



In [email protected]
“Re: RSS and images” on Tue, 5 Jan 2010 03:18:25 +0900,
Christopher G. [email protected] wrote:

‘channel’, I believe, is a wrapper for items. So the code just seems to
pull back the logo for the feed, not individual item images.

‘channel’ is for not .


Is there a ruby way of getting to content:encoded?

rss20 = RSS::Parser.parse(rss20_xml)
rss20.items.each do |item|
puts item.content_encoded



In [email protected]
“RSS and images” on Mon, 4 Jan 2010 08:20:15 +0900,
Christopher G. [email protected] wrote:

Using the default Ruby RSS parser, which format is best suited to
pulling in images from feed elements, RSS2 or Atom?

And then, how do I use the RSS classes to pull those images, per feed
element? I am not finding examples, and the api is a bit baroque.

rss20 = RSS::Parser.parse(rss20_xml)
image =
puts image.url if image and image.url

atom = RSS::Parser.parse(atom_xml)
logo = atom.feed.logo
puts logo.content if logo and logo.content
