Ruby 1.9.1 and Rails on Ubuntu

After successfully compiling 1.9.1 and updating the gem environment on
my vbox, I performed the following:

sudo gem install capistrano rails test-unit rspec-rails rake-compiler
sqlite3-ruby hectoregm-mysql-ruby gem_plugin

  1. cd /usr/local/lib/ruby/gems/1.9.1/gems/mongrel-1.1.5/ext/http11
  2. sudo vi / mate on http11.c and:
    replace line 77 with
    for(ch = RSTRING_PTR(f), end = ch + RSTRING_LEN(f); ch < end; ch++) {
    replace line 172 with
    colon = strchr(RSTRING_PTR(temp), ‘:’);
    replace line 174 with
    rb_hash_aset(req, global_server_name, rb_str_substr(temp, 0, colon -
    replce line 176,177
    rb_str_substr(temp, colon - RSTRING_PTR(temp)+1,
    replace lines 298 299
    dptr = RSTRING_PTR(data);
    dlen = RSTRING_LEN(data);
  3. save the file, close the vi / textmate
  4. sudo ruby extconf.rb && sudo make && sudo make install
  5. cd …/…/lib/mongrel
    (or the full path
  6. mate / sudo vi handlers.rb
  7. fix the case statements in
    On lines 208-212, change instances of “: false” to “then false”
  8. sudo gem install gem_plugin (else mongrel may hang)

This gives me:

rails 2.3.2
mysql 2.8
Mongrel 1.1.5

Are there any other gems I will need to consider on my vbox and/or any
gems that might need to be installed on my VPS that aren’t listed here?
