Ruby 1.9.1 on windows

Hi all,

How can I install Ruby 1.9.1 on Windows?

The one click installer is still at version 1.8.6.



Ian H. wrote:

Hi all,

How can I install Ruby 1.9.1 on Windows?

Downloads might work.

Roger P. wrote:

Ian H. wrote:

Hi all,

How can I install Ruby 1.9.1 on Windows?

Downloads might work.

Thanks Roger.

That D/L contains no instructions, so I unpacked it. and added the “bin”
directory to my path.


gem install webby

says it has to build a native extension, and then collapses because
“make” is not a command.

I thought it would use rake - which is installed.

So I have gem (Version 1.3.1), rake (Version 0.8.3) but not tha ability
to install gems.

I suspect the solution is really simple. (An environment variable


Here is how I got this partially working for me. By partially, it
makes some gems but for others, it can’t compile files because of
headers (sqlite, sqlite3). It automatically tries to make the file
of trying to use the ones compiled for mswin32 platform. I don’t know
how to
change this

Copy and install the devkit as well

put this under the ruby directory


add the path for devkit binaries to PATH

set PATH=C:/ruby/devkit/gcc/3.4.5/bin; %PATH%

make sure the fstab in msys is correct

mine is
c:/ruby/devkit/gcc/3.4.5 /mingw
C:/ruby/devkit/msys/1.0.11/usr/local /usr/local

That D/L contains no instructions, so I unpacked it. and added the “bin”
directory to my path.

I am to submit some new instructions to it soon :slight_smile:

Here are some:
for the files at: Downloads

unzip a {1.8.6,1.9}.7z file somewhere

rename/move it to c:\Ruby

c:\Ruby has

then unzip the devkit.7z and move its contents into the same folder.


c:\Ruby now has

(note: the message “This folder already contains a folder named bin” is
expected–choose “yes” to confirm folder replace).

next add c:\Ruby\bin to the beginning of your path and enjoy the power
of a faster ruby with a compiler.
Let me know if that doesn’t help.
Thank you!

Hello Ian,

I guess, you can install gems, but not those which have extensions
written in C, since this implies that you need a C-compiler etc. On
you always have gcc and gem can build those extensions. Pure ruby gems
should work, if they do not depend on other gems, which use a C-
extension. Have you tried this?

BTW: This is not a ruby problem, perl suffers from the same problem on
windows. StrawberryPerl is one approach to solve this problem. I would
like to see a StrawberryRuby :wink:


Dominic S. wrote:

Here is how I got this partially working for me. By partially, it
makes some gems but for others, it can’t compile files because of
headers (sqlite, sqlite3). It automatically tries to make the file
of trying to use the ones compiled for mswin32 platform. I don’t know
how to
change this

For gems that require headers you can usually try

gem install gemname --platform=mswin32

it should be binary compatible :slight_smile:


My advice is not force the platforms, and don’t expect RubyGems take
your mswin32 gem as valid under mingw32.

yes much safer to use mingw compiled binaries (either by yourself or
packages as binary gems). Barring their existence and your desire to
download headers first, you can try to force the platform.
Good luck.

2009/5/6 Dominic S. removed_email_address@domain.invalid:

Here is how I got this partially working for me. By partially, it correctly
makes some gems but for others, it can’t compile files because of missing
headers (sqlite, sqlite3). It automatically tries to make the file instead
of trying to use the ones compiled for mswin32 platform. I don’t know how to
change this

Clarifying some points:

  1. Gems that depends on externals (mysql, sqlite3, postgres) will
    require the headers and libraries. On Windows, Linux or any OS, so is
    not our fault.

  2. if with “It automatically tries to make the file instead of trying
    to use the ones compiled for mswin32 platform” you mean installing
    pre-compiled mswin32 gems on mingw32… please read this:

My advice is not force the platforms, and don’t expect RubyGems take
your mswin32 gem as valid under mingw32.