Ruby 2.0.0 x64 My programm without interpreter

How to compile a program written in Ruby, in my version of Windows 7 is
the x64, I tried gem ocra but when you start the computer file cursing
components gem not found I use gems …
It is very strange, very nice programming language, no gui on windows
(here said write, so it’s OK (gtk3)), and the most trouble compiling
under windows … We want to believe that everything will be easy and
better …

You need to post the error message otherwise it’s difficult to diagnose.
I suspect that there’s a gem you haven’t allowed Ocra to pick up

Okey, compilation is completed, the software produces errors when

require': cannot load such file -- btce (LoadError) from C:/Temp/ocr8071.tmp/lib/ruby/site_ruby/2.0.0/rubygems/core_ext/kernel_require.rb:51:inrequire’
from C:/Temp/ocr8071.tmp/src/Btce.rb:1:in `’

i use > ocra --no-dep-run --gem-full Btce.rb