Ruby Dev Summit 2024 Andy Maleh Interview Video

Recently, I was interviewed for the 2024 Ruby Dev Summit, and a video podcast of the interview was just posted online and is available to watch for free for the next 24 hours (Fri, Feb 16 3pm ET till Sat, Feb 17 3pm ET). Click the “Watch Now” link under my name (Andy Maleh) to see the interview: Ruby Dev Summit 2024 - Top End Devs

Here is a direct link to my 2024 Ruby Dev Summit interview video (if you missed the 24h free period to watch the video, click on the free Apple Podcast link or Google Podcast link to listen to the interview for free): Andy Maleh - Ruby Dev Summit 2024 - Top End Devs

My 2024 Ruby Dev Summit interview was also published on the free podcast, Ruby Rogues: Ruby Rogues - Podcasts - Top End Devs

Ruby Rogues Apple Podcast link for my 2024 Ruby Dev Summit interview:

Ruby Rogues Google Podcast link for my 2024 Ruby Dev Summit interview: