I am new to Ruby but find it interesting. To teach myself the language
I wrote a simple linked list implementation. It works just fine, but I
suspect that my “Java is showing” and that the same logic can be written
in a much more Ruby-ish fashion.
So I’d appreciate it if you can show me the Ruby way of implementing the
following functionality.
(The one thing I know is that I am not really taking advantage of OOP by
making my methods in LinkedListSe.rb just static utility methodsâ?¦ that’s
fine for now)
(also “next_1” is just my way of not colliding with the reserved keyword
def addData(data, head=nil)
insertData(data, head)
Inserts Element at requested index in linked list.
Shifts the element currently at that position (if any) and any
elements to the right (adds one to their indices)
def insertData(data, head, index=nil)
# special case if list currently empty (not initialized)
return newList(data) unless head
# Weakly typed languages have their downsides? :-)
return unless head.class == ElemLL
# Initial values for first element
i = 1
prev = nil
curr = head
next_1 = curr.next_1
# Iterate through elements until we reach insertion point (or end of
while (curr && (!index || i<index))
curr = next_1;
next_1 = curr.next_1 if curr;
# when new element is inserted, the current curr will actually be
next_1 = curr
# Create the new element at curr
curr = ElemLL.new
curr.data = data
# Set the pointer *to* the new element
if (prev)
prev.next_1 = curr
return head
def traverse(head)
puts “\nLinked List contents:”
curr = head
puts " #{curr.data}"
curr = curr.next_1
def newList(data)
head = ElemLL.new
head.data = data
return head
Just wanted to clarify: I know that there are better ways to do a
Linked List in Ruby… namely the Array object seems to have everything
you would need. So the code here is just an exercise, and I’m curious
how the same code can be made more ruby-ish
Seth E. wrote:
# Weakly typed languages have their downsides? :-)
return unless head.class == ElemLL
doh! I meant dynamically typed… I know Ruby is Strongly typed. And
I also do understand the advantages of a dynamically typed language
The following should be methods of ElemLL. (There’s not much Java
showing, is there?)
Shifts the element currently at that position (if any) and any
elements to the right (adds one to their indices)
def insertData(data, head, index=nil)
# special case if list currently empty (not initialized)
return newList(data) unless head
If you’re doing type-checking, raise an exception. This is a potential
Mysterious Bug. (“Nothing seem to be broke, it just doesn’t work!”)
return head
The following should be an implementation of #each:
def traverse(head)
Axe following line.
puts “\nLinked List contents:”
curr = head
Replace with “yield curr.data”. For greater pleasure, have ElemLL
“include Enumerable”.
puts " #{curr.data}"
curr = curr.next_1
The Ruby equivalent of a constructor is the “special” (i.e. not really)
method initialize.
def newList(data)
head = ElemLL.new
head.data = data
return head
Also, I personally prefer(red) opaque linked lists (in the school
assignments where I actually implemented those.) - ones where you don’t
rely on having to supply the head node of a list to functions
manipulating it, but a structure encapsulating the list. Same here, I’d
avoid leaking the internal structure of the list.
Just wanted to clarify: I know that there are better ways to do a
Linked List in Ruby… namely the Array object seems to have everything
you would need.
The Array object isn’t a linked list, it’s an array-backed list. (The
damage freshman courses cause by making students believe linked lists
are in any way amazing. In fact, in any scenario where there’s a
reasonable upper bound on the number of items in the list, an
array-backed implementation will implement a linked-list implementation
in terms of both speed and memory efficiency.)
I am new to Ruby but find it interesting. To teach myself the language
I wrote a simple linked list implementation. It works just fine, but I
suspect that my “Java is showing” and that the same logic can be written
in a much more Ruby-ish fashion.
It is mostly an imperative style that is showing for some odd reason
Instead of critiquing, I will give you an alternative implementation to
munch upon.
So I’d appreciate it if you can show me the Ruby way of implementing the
following functionality.
(The one thing I know is that I am not really taking advantage of OOP by
making my methods in LinkedListSe.rb just static utility methods??? that’s
fine for now)
(also “next_1” is just my way of not colliding with the reserved keyword
I have not actually run this code, just typing out at work