I wanted to let everyone know that the Ruby Midwest 2011 conference
lineup has been announced. I’ve listed the speakers and talks below,
but check out the Speakers page (http://rubymidwest.com/#speakers)
on the website for details.
Register now for this 2 day, single-track, 22 speaker conference for
only $189. (http://rubymidwest.com/#registration)
Registration is discounted to $169 for groups of 5 or more.
Keynote Speakers:
- Uncle Bob Martin (@unclebobmartin)
- Andy H. (@PragmaticAndy)
Session Speakers:
- Jim W. (@jimweirich) - “Does pair programming have to suck?”
- Matt Kirk (@mjkirk) - “Recommendation Engines using Machine
Learning, and JRuby” - Angela Harms (@angelaharms) - “Does pair programming have to
suck?” - Dave Copeland (@davetron5000) - “Make Awesome Command-Line Apps
with Ruby” - Marty H. (@mghaught) - “Ruby Community: Awesome; Could Be
Awesomer” - Zach Holman (@holman) - “How GitHub Uses GitHub to Build GitHub”
- Avdi G. (@avdi) - “Confident Code”
- Ethan Gunderson (@ethangunderson) - “ActiveRecord Anti-Patterns
for Fun and Profit” - Ola B. (@olabini) - “Ruby Safari”
- Michael B. (@mbleigh) - “Rails is the New Rails”
- Eric Redmond (@inviite) - “Modern Databases”
- David Czarnecki (@CzarneckiD) - “Final Boss: Ruby/Rails in the
Video Game Industry” - James Edward G. II (@JEG2) - “Life on the Edge”
- Noel Rappin (@noelrap) - “Test Your Legacy Rails Code”
- Dr Nic Williams (@drnic) - “High Performance Ruby: Threading
versus Evented” - Ben Scofield (@bscofield) - “Break It Down”
- Matt Hicks (@matthicksj) - “Running Red Hat OpenShift with a
little help from Ruby” - Rogelio J. Samour (@therubymug) - “No Sudo for You!”
- Joe O’Brien (@objo) - “People Patterns”
- Jacques C. (@railsjedi) - “Y U NO CoffeeScript?”
I hope to see you there!
Luke P.