Ruby modules for Apache Active MQ software installation


I have a requirement for implementing Ruby modules to automate the below
software products installations.

Apache Active MQ installation
IBM MQ installation
IBM MB installation

Can you please share the details if there are any ruby-gems or libraries
available ? or how to write Ruby modules for the above tasks.

Srinu P

Ruby Modules are a way of grouping together methods, classes, and
constants. Modules give you two major benefits.Modules provide a
namespace and prevent name clashes.Modules implement the mixin facility.

Here, it is not required to give .rb extension along with a file name.

Srinu Pamidi wrote in post #1179487:


I have a requirement for implementing Ruby modules to automate the below
software products installations.

Apache Active MQ installation

Puppet is a framework for system administrator, it is used for install
maintain in work soft. Tasks for each kind of soft (product:
oracle,postgres,jms,apache…) is describe by a ‘recipe’.

Recipe are ruby code using puppet framework for installation dignostic
issue, and reparations.

So googling “ruby puppet activemq”, I found :
GitHub - puppetlabs-toy-chest/puppetlabs-activemq: Puppet ActiveMQ Module

IBM MQ installation
IBM MB installation

I have not found puppet recipe for this product. ( ask to IBM ?)
There are also a alternative to Puppet : Chef.