Ruby - Nokogiri - Crawling numbers from a site

Hi All
I was able to crawl the numbers of the following site, but from today is not working for me.
How can I fix it?
Here are my codes:

numbers = Nokogiri::HTML (open('', "Accept-Encoding" => "gzip" ))
nr = numbers.css('.number-navigation-box').css('.number-row')[0].css('.number-row-item')[0..4].map { |e| e.text.rjust(2, '0')  }.sort
nr2 = numbers.css('.number-navigation-box').css('.number-row')[1].css('.number-row-item').map { |e| e.text.rjust(2, '0')  }.sort

Thank you in advance for your help

I can’t find .number-navigation-box on the page. It looks like the page may have been redesigned and the class name changed.

What details are you trying to crawl on the page?

Hi, i want to crawl the numbers 1.osudi 2. osudi
I can see all the classes for “nr” and tried it from scratch but no luck. they protect the site?
“nr2” has a different route now as i see.

thank you

Hi, i want to crawl the numbers 1.osudi 2. osudi
I can see all the classes for “nr” and tried it from scratch but no luck. they protect the site?
“nr2” has a different route now as i see.

thank you