Ruby on Rails usage (and maintenance) short survey

If you have a few minutes to enter this questionnaire you’re help will
be very appreciated. The results will be used in an essay on RoR with
respect to maintainability.

Thank you for your time


1 What is the size of your company ?

2 What is the size of the ruby on rails projects you realized ?

3 Do you, and if so how, use scaffolding to generate parts of your
solution ?
(for instance during prototyping, or also during maintenance)

4 When compared to other environments what is it about RoR that made
maintenance easy ? (for instance which component , what kind of

5 When compared to other environments what is it about RoR that made
maintenance hard ? (for instance which component , what kind of

6 Please rate the following environments on their productivity at
maintenance (only rate those you have experience with)

  • Java
  • .Net (C#)
  • Php
  • ASP
  • Perl
  • Python

If you are interested in reading the resulting essay leave a message.
(gvschie at