We just installed ruby on a
Sun T1000, 6 core UltraSPARC T1 cpu, 4G memory , Solaris 10
Right now Windows is out performing an Ultra SPARC by 25 seconds! Does
anyone know why this would be the case. I have downloaded ruby and
compiled it on the hardware, i have tried the binaries from sunfreeware
and the results are the same. Actually, the results from my compile were
a second or two worse than the binaries from SUN!
This is the program ran for the bench mark. I called it t.rb
require ‘benchmark’
array = (1..1000000).map { rand }
Benchmark.bmbm do |x|
x.report("sort!") { array.dup.sort! } #this sorts the array.
x.report("sort") { array.dup.sort } #this makes a copy of the
array and sorts it.
Solaris v10
ruby t.rb
Rehearsal -----------------------------------------
sort! 29.450000 0.020000 29.470000 ( 29.458899)
sort 29.760000 0.010000 29.770000 ( 29.772163)
------------------------------- total: 59.240000 sec
user system total real
sort! 29.060000 0.010000 29.070000 ( 29.064410)
sort 29.070000 0.000000 29.070000 ( 29.076217)
Microsoft Windows XP [Version 5.1.2600]
© Copyright 1985-2001 Microsoft Corp.
C:\Documents and Settings\cmackenzie>ruby t.rb
Rehearsal -----------------------------------------
sort! 4.735000 0.000000 4.735000 ( 4.813000)
sort 4.359000 0.000000 4.359000 ( 4.390000)
-------------------------------- total: 9.094000 sec
user system total real
sort! 4.313000 0.000000 4.313000 ( 4.375000)
sort 4.297000 0.015000 4.312000 ( 4.422000)
C:\Documents and Settings\cmackenzie>
Ubuntu Linux
colmac@sideshowbob: ruby t.rb
Rehearsal -----------------------------------------
sort! 3.310000 0.010000 3.320000 ( 3.317860)
sort 3.250000 0.020000 3.270000 ( 3.270037)
-------------------------------- total: 6.5890000 sec
user system total real
sort! 3.280000 0.030000 3.10000 ( 3.318575)
sort 3.250000 0.020000 3.270000 ( 3.269284)