Ruby_parser 3.0.2 Released

ruby_parser version 3.0.2 has been released!

ruby_parser (RP) is a ruby parser written in pure ruby (utilizing
racc–which does by default use a C extension). RP’s output is
the same as ParseTree’s output: s-expressions using ruby’s arrays and
base types.

As an example:

def conditional1 arg1
return 1 if arg1 == 0
return 0


s(:defn, :conditional1, s(:args, :arg1),
s(:call, s(:lvar, :arg1), :==, s(:lit, 0)),
s(:return, s(:lit, 1)),
s(:return, s(:lit, 0)))


3.0.2 / 2012-11-21

52 down makes 99.9767% or 3.7σ. 130 files failed to parse out of 558k.

  • 4 minor enhancements:

    • Added RP_TIMEOUT env var to override default timeout of 10 seconds.
    • Minor optimization to RubyLexer#parse_number
    • Only output parseerror output to stderr if $DEBUG.
    • ruby_parse_extract_error modified to include ‘it’ blocks in its
  • 7 bug fixes:

    • 1.9: Fixed args in dot-call forms (eg f.(…)).
    • 1.9: Fixed lexing stabby lambda w/ do/end
    • Deal better with DOS files. Ugh.
    • Fix line number of production after heredoc.
    • Fixed RubyParser#process to reuse parser instances across calls.
    • Fixed line numbers for several productions.
    • new_call sets line number to smallest line number of members.