Ruby / php operator differences

I am trying to do some parsing of binary data.

Here is the psuedo code that parses what i’m looking for:
private int readInteger() throws IOException {
int n = 0;
int b = in.readUnsignedByte();
int result = 0;

while ((b & 0x80) != 0 && n < 3) {
    result <<= 7;
    result |= (b & 0x7f);
    b = in.readUnsignedByte();
if (n < 3) {
    result <<= 7;
    result |= b;
} else {
  /* Use all 8 bits from the 4th byte */
  result <<= 8;
  result |= b;

  /* Check if the integer should be negative */
  if ((result & 0x10000000) != 0) {
    /* and extend the sign bit */
    result |= 0xe0000000;

return result;


Here is how I wrote it with Ruby:
def read_int
n = 0;
b = @input_stream.read_special(1,‘C’)
result = 0

while((b & 0x80) != 0 && n < 3)
    result <<= 7
    result |= (b & 0x7f)
    b = @input_stream.read_special(1,'C')
    n = n + 1
if (n < 3)
    result <<= 7
    result |= b
  # Use all 8 bits from the 4th byte
  result <<= 8
  result |= b

  #Check if the integer should be negative
  if ((result & 0x10000000) != 0)
    # and extend the sign bit
    result |= 0xe0000000

STDOUT.puts "READ INT: #{result}"
return result


When translating the Pseudo Code to PHP, it’s verbatim except for
syntax. With ruby, I think i’ve found the problem with it not parsing
correclty. the |= operator. With PHP

$i |= 0xe0000000; //= -536870912

Now with Ruby:
i |= 0xe000000 #= true

Any ideas on a solution?


On Thu, Mar 08, 2007 at 01:36:38PM +0900, Aaron S. wrote:

When translating the Pseudo Code to PHP, it’s verbatim except for
syntax. With ruby, I think i’ve found the problem with it not parsing
correclty. the |= operator. With PHP

$i |= 0xe0000000; //= -536870912

Now with Ruby:
i |= 0xe000000 #= true

Errm, how about providing some evidence for that claim?

irb(main):010:0> 5 | 3
=> 7
irb(main):011:0> i = 0
=> 0
irb(main):012:0> i |= 0xe000000
=> 234881024


In message “Re: ruby / php operator differences.”
on Thu, 8 Mar 2007 16:07:18 +0900, Brian C.
[email protected] writes:

|> $i |= 0xe0000000; //= -536870912
|> Now with Ruby:
|> i |= 0xe000000 #= true
|Errm, how about providing some evidence for that claim?

Maybe he assumed integers to be wrapped around 32bits?



In message “Re: ruby / php operator differences.”
on Thu, 8 Mar 2007 16:11:52 +0900, Aaron S.
[email protected] writes:

|i wasn’t ‘claiming’ anything. I was asking about why that was happening.
|I figured it out though.

Why that was happening? Could you tell me what you have figured out?


Hey Matz

I ended up writing the method a bit different,

int = @input_stream.read_special(1,'C')

if(int < 128)
  STDOUT.puts "READ INT: #{int}"
  return int
  int = (int & 0x7f) << 7
  tmp = @input_stream.read_special(1,'C')
  if(tmp < 128)
    STDOUT.puts "READ INT: #{int}"
    return int | tmp
    int = (int | (tmp & 0x7f)) << 7
    tmp = @input_stream.read_special(1,'C')
    if(tmp < 128)
      STDOUT.puts "READ INT: #{int}"
      return int | tmp
      int = (int | (tmp & 0x7f)) << 8
      tmp = @input_stream.read_special(1,'C')
      int |= tmp

      #Check if the integer should be negative
      if ((int & 0x10000000) != 0)
        ## and extend the sign bit
        int |= 0xe0000000
      STDOUT.puts "READ INT: #{int}"

this seems to be working fine.

would it make sense that in php:
$int |= 0x10000000
is just shorthand for
$int = $int | 0x10000000

i wasn’t ‘claiming’ anything. I was asking about why that was happening.
I figured it out though.

It’s the same in Ruby, except it goes further:

int |= 0x10000000

is short for

int = int | 0x10000000

is short for

int = int.|(0x10000000) # infix operator is really method call on

is short for

int = int.send(:|, 0x10000000) # explicit method call by symbolic name

pretty flippin cool.

in this example:
int = int.send(:|,0x1000000)

is it neccessary to have assignment portion? as in:
int.send(:|,0x1000000), does this take out the need for (int=)

On Fri, Mar 09, 2007 at 07:36:55AM +0900, Aaron S. wrote:

would it make sense that in php:
$int |= 0x10000000
is just shorthand for
$int = $int | 0x10000000

It’s the same in Ruby, except it goes further:

int |= 0x10000000

is short for

int = int | 0x10000000

is short for

int = int.|(0x10000000) # infix operator is really method call on

is short for

int = int.send(:|, 0x10000000) # explicit method call by symbolic name

Brian C. wrote:

On Sat, Mar 10, 2007 at 01:55:19PM +0900, Aaron S. wrote:

int = int.|(0x10000000) # infix operator is really method call on

is it neccessary to have assignment portion? as in:
int.send(:|,0x1000000), does this take out the need for (int=)

Ah, yes that makes sense. Thanks.

On Sat, Mar 10, 2007 at 01:55:19PM +0900, Aaron S. wrote:

int = int.|(0x10000000) # infix operator is really method call on

is it neccessary to have assignment portion? as in:
int.send(:|,0x1000000), does this take out the need for (int=)

You don’t need to make use of the return value. Every expression in Ruby
returns a value, but you can simply ignore it.

In your particular example, if you write

int = 4
int.send(:|, 0x10000000)

it’s valid Ruby but isn’t very useful, as it calculates a result and
throws it away. But many methods do have side effects:

str = “hello”
str.send(:concat, " world")
puts str

Actually you’d normally write the middle line as

str.concat(" world")


str.concat " world"


str << " world"

(since the << infix operator expands to a << method call on str, and for
Strings the << method does the same as concat)

This stems from the fact that a String in Ruby is a mutable object (it
change). Most objects are. However a few objects, in particular numbers
symbols, are immutable. That is, you can’t send a message to the number
telling it to change its value :slight_smile:

