Ruby questions!

Hey, I have some questions I hope someone can answer…

Im new to Ruby and I was wondering if anyone have any good
newbie/tutorials on how to get started?
And im wondering what the differences(if there are any?) there are
between ruby as a applicationprogramming language and
webapplicationprogramming language…

And, is there anyway to compile the “programs” you create?


fabsy wrote:


Welcome to Ruby!

There are many good tutorials for Ruby. Two of the best are:

Regarding compiling Ruby, there are a number of people working on making
this possible but if you’re looking for something that is easy to use
and works on all programs, no. For the time being, Ruby is interpreted.

On Aug 14, 2006, at 5:05 PM, Timothy H. wrote:

There are many good tutorials for Ruby. Two of the best are:

I’m a pretty big fan of:

James Edward G. II

fabsy wrote:

Hey, I have some questions I hope someone can answer…

Im new to Ruby and I was wondering if anyone have any good
newbie/tutorials on how to get started?

James B.

“Trying to port the desktop metaphor to the Web is like working on how
to fuel your car with hay because that is what horses eat.”
- Dare Obasanjo

Thanks alot!
I will check them out asap. :slight_smile: