Morton G. wrote:
On Feb 18, 2008, at 3:05 PM, 7stud – wrote:
my iMac I get
Now what do I do?
Ask yourself these questions: Is /usr/lib/ruby/1.8 where Ruby 1.8.6
is installed?
How would I know that? Here’s what’s in /usr/lib/ruby/1.8:
English.rb md5.rb sync.rb
Env.rb mkmf.rb tcltk.rb
abbrev.rb monitor.rb tempfile.rb
base64.rb multi-tk.rb test
benchmark.rb mutex_m.rb thread.rb
bigdecimal net thwait.rb
cgi observer.rb time.rb
cgi-lib.rb open-uri.rb timeout.rb
cgi.rb open3.rb tk
complex.rb openssl tk.rb
csv.rb openssl.rb tkafter.rb
date optparse tkbgerror.rb
date.rb optparse.rb tkcanvas.rb
date2.rb ostruct.rb tkclass.rb
debug.rb parsearg.rb tkconsole.rb
delegate.rb parsedate.rb tkdialog.rb
dl pathname.rb tkentry.rb
drb ping.rb tkextlib
drb.rb pp.rb tkfont.rb
e2mmap.rb prettyprint.rb tkmacpkg.rb
erb.rb profile.rb tkmenubar.rb
eregex.rb profiler.rb tkmngfocus.rb
expect.rb pstore.rb tkpalette.rb
fileutils.rb racc tkscrollbox.rb
finalize.rb rational.rb tktext.rb
find.rb rdoc tkvirtevent.rb
forwardable.rb readbytes.rb tkwinpkg.rb
ftools.rb remote-tk.rb tmpdir.rb
generator.rb resolv-replace.rb tracer.rb
getoptlong.rb resolv.rb tsort.rb
getopts.rb rexml un.rb
gserver.rb rinda universal-darwin8.0
importenv.rb rss uri
io rubyunit.rb uri.rb
ipaddr.rb runit weakref.rb
irb scanf.rb webrick
irb.rb set.rb webrick.rb
jcode.rb sha1.rb wsdl
kconv.rb shell xmlrpc
logger.rb shell.rb xsd
mailread.rb shellwords.rb yaml
mathn.rb singleton.rb yaml.rb
matrix.rb soap
Or is 1.8.6 in some other directory?
I did this:
$ sudo find / -name 1.8.6 -print
and I got this:
If it’s in some
other directory, why didn’t two versions of tcltklib.bundle turn up
from find?
I’m thinking that your 1.8.6 installation is incomplete – that it’s
possible you didn’t install tcltklib.bundle when you installed 1.8.6.
This is what I did to install ruby 1.8.6:
- I downloaded the one click installer for MAC OSX here:
That put on my desktop.
I clicked on that file, and it uzipped itself and put the following
on my desktop:
Ruby O.-Click Installer for OSX Tiger.pkg
- I clicked on that, and then it asked me what volume to install on. I
only have one volume: Macintosh HD.
At the one click installer website it says this:
This package is the most simple way to equip your Macintosh Apple OSX
System with Ruby - similar to the Windows Ruby O.-Click Installer. It
replaces the broken Readline library, updates to a current version of
SQLite3 and prepares your OSX for Rails, which needs at least Ruby 1.8.4
to run. The current Ruby Version is 1.8.6 (1.8.5 is recommended for
Rails) and Rubygems 0.9.4.
This package’s intention is to remain small while being a Universal
Binary that serves everything to deploy Ruby Applications on OSX
Machines - Cheetah, Puma, Jaguar, Panther, Tiger or Leopard. You don’t
need to compile anything and you don’t need Apple’s Developer Tools
(xcode) installed.
The Ruby O.-Click Installer for OSX is adding the installed files to
/usr/local, not replacing Apple’s original Ruby. That means you can
easily uninstall this package or switch to Apple’s Ruby again.