Hi !
I have a trouble.
require “tk”
class Main
def initialize
@root = TkRoot.new { title “prog” }
top = TkToplevel.new
@edit = TkEntry.new(top) {
cmd = proc { puts @edit.get }
button = TkButton.new(@root) {
text “”
command cmd
m = Main.new
How to get @edit value after “top” is closed ?
How to get @edit value after “top” is closed ?
If I remember correctly you need to use @edit.value
From: “[email protected]” [email protected]
Subject: Ruby/Tk
Date: Fri, 15 May 2009 23:45:07 +0900
[email protected]
How to get @edit value after “top” is closed ?
One of the simple solution is to use a TkVariable and
‘textvariable’ option of an entry widget.
I not found -textvariable options in TkText
From: Oleg I. [email protected]
Subject: Re: Ruby/Tk
Date: Sun, 17 May 2009 18:55:47 +0900
Message-ID: [email protected]
I not found -textvariable options in TkText
If you use Tcl/Tk8.5, Tk::Text::Peer widget is useful.
txt = Tk::Text.new # A base text widget.
# In this case, it isn’t shown on the GUI.
top = Tk::Toplevel.new
peer = Tk::Text::Peer.new(txt, top).pack
A peer widget of ‘txt’ widget. Its parent is ‘top’ widget.
… destroy ‘top’ widget …
p txt.value # This is the same content with the destroyed peer.
If you use Tcl/Tk8.4 or the former version,
you can “withdraw” the dialog instead of “destroy”.
top = Tk::Toplevel.new
txt = Tk::Text.new(top).pack
@value = “”
top.protocol(‘WM_DELETE_WINDOW’){ top.withdraw; @value = txt.value }
Ignore ‘WM_DELETE_WINDOW’ protocol (e.g. when click the ‘delete’
button on the window frame) from a window manager.
In this case, withdraw the toplevel widget instead of destroy it.
… withdraw the toplevel …
p @value
top.deiconify # Display the toplevel widget in normal form.
Or, get value before destroying the toplevel.
top = Tk::Toplevel.new
txt = Tk::Text.new(top).pack
@value = “”
top.protocol(‘WM_DELETE_WINDOW’){ @value = txt.value; top.destroy }
… destroy the toplevel …
p @value