[ruby-trunk - Bug #7666][Assigned] Should Refinements be enabled by default?

Issue #7666 has been reported by shugo (Shugo M.).

Bug #7666: Should Refinements be enabled by default?

Author: shugo (Shugo M.)
Status: Assigned
Priority: Normal
Assignee: matz (Yukihiro M.)
Target version:
ruby -v: ruby 2.0.0dev (2013-01-07 trunk 38719) [i686-linux]

Currently, `require “refinement”’ is needed to use Refinements, but I’ve
heard from Matz that he wants Refinements to be enabled by default.
Is it right, Matz?

If so, I’m worried that other implementors might not want to enable
Refinements by default, because it’s an experimental feature.

Issue #7666 has been updated by shugo (Shugo M.).

Status changed from Assigned to Closed



shugo (Shugo M.) wrote:

Currently, `require “refinement”’ is needed to use Refinements, but I’ve heard
from Matz that he wants Refinements to be enabled by default.
Is it right, Matz?

If so, I’m worried that other implementors might not want to enable Refinements
by default, because it’s an experimental feature.

Bug #7666: Should Refinements be enabled by default?

Author: shugo (Shugo M.)
Status: Closed
Priority: Normal
Assignee: matz (Yukihiro M.)
Target version:
ruby -v: ruby 2.0.0dev (2013-01-07 trunk 38719) [i686-linux]

Currently, `require “refinement”’ is needed to use Refinements, but I’ve
heard from Matz that he wants Refinements to be enabled by default.
Is it right, Matz?

If so, I’m worried that other implementors might not want to enable
Refinements by default, because it’s an experimental feature.