Ruby with json lines

assume you have two json lines
{“test” : “value1”}
{“test” : “value2”}

we need the below result
{“test” : “value1”\n"value2"}

how can i achieve this

I’m not 100% convinced that either your input or desired output are actually valid JSON. Did you mean





require 'json'

def collapse_tests(json)
  json_obj = JSON.parse json
  test_values = json_obj.collect { |item| item['test'] }
  tests = { 'test': test_values.join("\n") }

sample_input = '[{"test":"value1"}, {"test":"value2"}, {"test":"valuen"}]'

puts collapse_tests sample_input



You can convert a hash into the desired output with this code:

def merge(*items)
	items.flatten.reduce({}) { |hash, a| hash.merge!(a) { |_, y, z| "#{y}\n#{z}" } }

p merge({test:1}, {test:2}, {test:3, other_test: 4})    # outputs {:test=>"1\n2\n3", :other_test=>4}

Now, coming to your problem, you have a hash with the content:

{“test” : “value1”}
{“test” : “value2”}

Which is obviously invalid in JSON format, but if you have the code wrapped in an array:


Will make it valid, now just use this code:

#!/usr/bin/ruby -w
def merge(*items)
	items.flatten.reduce({}) { |hash, a| hash.merge!(a) { |_, y, z| "#{y}\n#{z}" } }

json = %Q<[

require 'json'

p merge JSON.parse(json)	# outputs {"test"=>"value1\nvalue2"}

thnak you so much,it helped me lot