Hello Bill
Bill W. wrote:
What more info do you need ? (Honestly asked btw)
I always presume goodwill
good way to be, a very good way, sometimes painful, but, smiles good
Well, from the completely cursory glance given to it, it appears
to be a front end to libxslt.
And on libxml. Are either / both of these included in Ruby or Rails?
If so, which one?
If you mean are ‘libxml’ or ‘libxslt’ included in RoR, then no. These
are linux libraries. If you mean the ‘ruby wrappers’ (ruby-xml) come as
‘standard’, then no, however, there is a way to have rails generate out
xml by using a .rxml file. Have a look around
HTML page.
Well, now, this is the interesting part Ideally, there should be a
sort of ‘:after_filter’ on the method that you use to generate the XML.
Inside the :after_filter, you would load the stylesheet in much the same
way that the ruby-xsl shows. This way, your still using rails and you
have set the ‘filter’ to perform after the generation (so in the future,
if someone needs the un-translated XML, then can get it). The header
content-type would be different, but, you could probably change that
without too much trouble in the :after_filter …
Thats my thinking. I am unsure if IE/FF include libxslt in there by
default, but, leaving this to the individual browser to deal with is
dangerous at best. Mean to say, your assuming that all XSLT engines will
follow ‘the standard’, whereas if you do the transformation yourself, at
least you know that the -exact- -same- structure of results is sent to
all clients.
Hopefully this makes sense, and I am interested in the solution you go
with. If its sufficiently ‘weird’, this could be a great problem to
distrac… urm… occupy my work time tomorrow
Regards as always