hello, my first post here
Here, ruby1.8 runs great on Windows. I’m able to compile & develop
some extensions, play with gems. Anyway, doing usual things …
However I’m not really getting on well with ruby 1.9.
First, rubygems is installing gems into a weird directory “C:\LAN…”.
The most interesting part is that when requiring a gem, it looks for
“C:\ruby\lib\gem…” instead of “C:LAN…”. Ok, I managed to solve
this by just changing the --install-dir to the appropriate path. Now
rubygems apparently runs gracefully.
Second, I’m trying to compile some libs of mine (which BTW use
“mkmf can find header files for ruby at C:/ruby1.9/lib/ruby/include/
I’ve placed all the necessary files into C:/ruby1.9/lib/ruby/include
and it still doesn’t find them.
Just to make sure:
ruby -v
ruby 1.9.0 (2007-12-25 revision 14709) [i386-mswin32]