RubyKaigi 2008, the 3rd annual Japanese Ruby Conference, is scheduled
to be held from Friday, 20th June to Sunday, 22nd June, 2008, at the
Tsukuba International Congress Center in Tsukuba City, Ibaraki, just
outside of Tokyo.
The official languages of RubyKaigi are Japanese and Ruby, but we also
want to do our best to accommodate those of you who must resort to
We are also currently looking for speakers on a wide range of topics
about Ruby. We’ll do our best to help you climb over the language
barrier, so this is a great chance to reach out to Japanese Rubyists
with your projects and ideas.
Please send your proposals via e-mail with the following format:
To: [email protected]
Subject: RubyKaigi Presentation Proposal: Your N.
Body: Please include the following information about your proposal:
- Your name and (optionally) organization/company
- the working title of your talk
- A short abstract of your talk
- preferred duration of your talk. e.g. 15 min./30 min./over 30 min.
(please give an estimate) - preferred contact address
- Please feel free to include any comments or questions
More details are on the web:
Further details will be announced closer to the Kaigi dates.