Rubyland on the Web?! Yes, with Glimmer DSL for Opal!

Glimmer Calculator v1.1.3 (Glimmer DSL for SWT desktop app) finally runs on the web via Glimmer DSL for Opal without needing to change a single line of Glimmer desktop GUI code. It is completely written in Ruby! Visit at

Even keyboard shortcuts work!

Here is the desktop version written in Glimmer DSL for SWT

This is the future of web development as we know it! You simply build apps in pure Ruby for the desktop and they just work on the web. After all, web browsers are a desktop app and GUI is just GUI whether on the web or desktop.

Of course, if a company needs special branding, a web designer may still apply CSS wizardry, but there is no need to get the developers involved. They could just focus on development in pure Ruby.

More at: Code Master Blog: Glimmer Calculator Desktop App Runs On The Web Via Opal

p.s. everything here is free and open-source. I do not benefit whatsoever from people using this library. Quite the contrary, I am offering it for free for the benefit of everyone in the open-source community. As such, this is not an “advertisement” as it has no commercial incentives whatsoever.