Here’s a normal example of running a Ruby/Unit suite:
aTestSuite ="MRW")
aTestSuite << a bunch of suites
got =
The above code runs all test cases. I want to run only one of them.
A “test suite” is (generally) a list of test cases. Here, it is a list
lists of test cases. Running only one *.rb file would run all cases in
file’s suites. I want to run only one test case. Here are three test
class SomeSuite < Test::Unit::TestCase
def test_runThisCase()
def test_dontRunThis()
def test_orThis()
Running SomeSuite is trivial.
Now how to augment that so if a caller has supplied one case name
via command line arguments and ARGV[]), and then only run that one case?
Suppose I only want to run test_runThisCase. If I had invented
Ruby/Unit, we
could run it like this:
got =, ‘test_readMyPost’)
Unfortunately, the test.rb files (like many Ruby library files) are
write-only, and I generally can’t read them well enough to understand
how to
apply that syntax. Is such a feature available through these objects?
Alternately, could I loop thru aTestSuite’s cases, find it, and run it?
(I’m not asking how to run test suites, or how to parse command line
arguments here!)
where tc_one.rb, tc_two.rb, etc. each contain one test case. (one
class that inherits from Test::Unit::TestCase). You’re problem was
that you were asking the wrong question. You didn’t want to know how
to run an individual test case, you wanted to know how to run an
individual test. Unfortunately, I do not know how to do that, short
of having one test per test case, and having one test case per file.
where tc_one.rb, tc_two.rb, etc. each contain one test case. (one
class that inherits from Test::Unit::TestCase). You’re problem was
that you were asking the wrong question. You didn’t want to know how
to run an individual test case, you wanted to know how to run an
individual test. Unfortunately, I do not know how to do that, short
of having one test per test case, and having one test case per file.
Few comments:
You don’t need to create the suite and/or the runner yourself, if
you want to run all tests in the required files.
Test::Unit::AutoRunner takes care of it.
Just ‘require’ all the files with your tests and you are done.
In that case running your main test file (the one that requires the
others) with ‘–help’ parameter gives you usage help. In your case,
you are looking for -n or --name where you can pass string or regex to
filter out your tests by name (-n “test_one” or -n /one/). Another
would -t that allows you to filter your test case classes.
If you for some reason need to have your own runner, or own
TestSuite, read the sources. They are indeed very readable. You are
interested in test/unit/autorunner.rb (@filters),
test/unit/collector.rb (#add_suite) and
[One more irritation here - not all messages to Google G. or the
list get thru to USENET…]
Logan C. wrote:
Now I see your problem.
You have a typo there; one extra ‘y’.
def test_blah
is NOT a test case as far as the established terminology is concerned. It
is a test.
I once worked a project where the QA group insisted on saying “we
the current version today”, when they meant, “We tested the current
against regressions today”. Citing the dictionary definition of
did not help them change their ways; apparently their industry has a
of mis-use for that term.
“In software engineering, a test case is a set of conditions or
under which a tester will determine if a requirement upon an application
partially or fully satisfied.”
Naturally, that’s the definition for manual testing. WikiPedia is free
points of view. The overall gist is that one (1) test case represents
Assemble Activate Assert cycle of one def test_blah(). An automated test
case, within a version control system, will automatically satisfy each
line-item of their manual test write-up. Note especially the line
test cases are usually collected into test suites.”
There is a special reason most *Unit rigs call the parent of their
'TestCase’s. They implement the Interpreter Design Pattern, such that
Case may instead be a Suite containing many Cases, recursively. So the
thing’s a Case, even though we normally derive from it to immediately
a Suite. The English connotations are a Case is a single unit and a
Suite is
a group of units.
AutoRunner noted; I will try it after I … calm down. Thanks all.
I always hammer a question with Google before posting. In this case, the
first several answers ass-umed the programmer went with the automatic
AutoRunner, which I didn’t use. This left me reading posts where
was as hidden and unmentioned as it is in most test suites themselves. I
couldn’t use those posts.
I have since simplified the top-level test.rb, so it can use AutoRunner,
now I get the -v and -n that I have since been working around…
I will now research how to run my post-test cleanup code automatically
AutoRunner. Or something…
I will now research how to run my post-test cleanup code automatically after
AutoRunner. Or something…
AutoRunner uses at_exit. So think whether your at_exit should be
defined sooner or later that theirs. My tip is that sooner, as they
are run in reverse order IIRC.
I will now research how to run my post-test cleanup code automatically
after AutoRunner. Or something…
Just so I don’t leave a false trail in the archives, it’s END {
cleanUp() }
at the top of the first file. Must be the top, else it registers after
whatever runs AutoRunner…
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