I want to be able to execute only 1 row in an Scenario/Outline Example
table. Is there a method already created for me to access. I have
certain validation rules for only running 1 row of data coming from an
external request to execute cuke.
So having something in a step_definition file like:
This is in fact be useful, because we are able execute code before each
line of the properly tagged Scenario Outline… but… I still don’t
know the method/variable to access the current line of the example
So translated into the code, an example:
… @tagged
Scenario Outline: file reader
Given I read
Then I want to have
| file | content |
| x.txt | Text |
| y.txt | Other text |
Before(‘@tagged’) do
how to access current row???
if row[0] == $external_filename
# how to properly skip current line???
Given /I read (.+)/ do |fileName| #open and read fileName #fill@file_content
Then /I want to have (.+)/ do |content| #assert ‘content’ against @file_content
So we need something for ‘row[0]’ and a proper way to skip the current
I now that this example is not a good real life situation (it would be
easier to use multiline step arguments), but we would like to use
Cucumber driven by an external source (executing only one line from each
example table) AND maintaining the ability to run it independently (all
I have no idea if this will work, but you could try to sense for the
table row you want to skip in a Before block, then call skip_invoke!
on it:
Before(scenario_or_example_row) do
if the_one_to_skip?(scenario_or_example_row)
Sorry, my example is bollocks. Try this instead:
Before do |scenario_or_example_row|
if the_one_to_skip?(scenario_or_example_row)
So the thing yielded to the Before block is the Scenario object if
you’re in a Scenario, or the OutlineTable::ExampleRow if you’re in an
outline table. You can call skip_invoke! on either of those objects to
tell them not to invoke their step definition.
line of the properly tagged Scenario Outline… but… I still don’t
Then I want to have
how to access current row???
easier to use multiline step arguments), but we would like to use
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