Running JRuby from the command line just show the java options

I’ve just installed jRuby on my windows machine. I used the standard

When I run jRuby from the command line, it just shows the java command
line options, as though I had just run java from the command line. e.g.

Usage: java [-options] -jar jarfile

and so on.

What am I doing wrong? How come I can’t run my .rb file?

What are you typing in exactly that isn’t working for you?

Also I wonder which Java you are running:

java -version


On Wed, Feb 15, 2012 at 1:32 PM, Gandalf C. [email protected]

What am I doing wrong? How come I can’t run my .rb file?

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I just downloaded the installer (jruby_windows_x64_1_7_0_preview1.exe)
and everything seems to be ok, after the installation to my Windows 7
x64 laptop.
I check the PATH the bin folder of jruby is already in.

I type :> jruby -v to check the version, but I see the java options

Uninstall, reinstall and restart my laptop, but the problem remains.

The same happen even if I type it into the jruby/bin folder.

I have ruby 1.9.3p125 installed and java 1.6.0_30, which they both work

Can you give me an explanation and how I can fix it?

Thank you!

I think there is an issue with JAVA_HOME ending with "" or “/” (e.g.
C:\Program Files\Java\1.6.0u28\ versus C:\Program
Files\Java\1.6.0u28). I don’t have the bug handy, but this is a known
issue with our installer (32bit) falling back to command-line
launching and screwing up the command line in this one case (on 64 bit
systems). Removing the trailing slash is the workaround. If it is
not that perhaps sending a pastie of your ENV vars (SET) will help.


On Thu, Jul 26, 2012 at 4:50 PM, Stefanos K. [email protected]

Uninstall, reinstall and restart my laptop, but the problem remains.

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Thank you very much Tom.

That was it. I had to remove the trailing slash in JAVA_HOME.

thank you again!