Running specs within spec_server

Hi guys. I’m unable to run my specs through a spec server. I’ve spent
several hours searching and playing around with this problem, and I
simply can’t find a solution. So if anyone has any suggestions, I’m
all ears.

Does script/server need to be running in conjunction with the spec

I have “–drb” specified in spec/spec.opts .

I start the spec server with either of these commands:
$ rake spec:server:start
$ script/spec_server
and confirm that it’s running and listening:
$ lsof -nPi | grep ruby
ruby 20809 nick 4u IPv6 0x3c2e4bc 0t0 TCP [::1]:8989 (LISTEN)

However, when I run any of these commands:
$ rake spec:models
$ spec -X spec/models/property_spec.rb
$ script/spec -X spec/models/property_spec.rb
This error occurs:
/opt/local/lib/ruby/1.8/drb/drb.rb:855:in `initialize’: getaddrinfo:
nodename nor servname provided, or not known (SocketError)
The full trace is at

I went into /opt/local/lib/ruby/1.8/drb/drb.rb , looked around line
855, put this debug message at the beginning of
#self.open_server_inaddr_any :
puts “host = [#{host}] , port = [#{port}]”
and ran a spec again. That line spat this out:
host = [wombat.local] , port = [0]
The port number doesn’t seem right, but then again, the authors of drb
might be working some magic here.

So, if you have any suggestions for how I can solve this, I’d love to
hear from you. Thanks!

I’m using:
$ ruby --version; rails --version; spec --version
ruby 1.8.7 (2008-06-20 patchlevel 22) [i686-darwin9.3.0]
Rails 2.1.0
RSpec-1.1.4 (build 20080526202855) - BDD for Ruby