== RuportDay 2006 ==
Since I’ve already announced this a few times, I’ll keep this short and
If you plan to be around on sunday to watch, to ‘maybe’ participate,
or to definitly participate, be sure to add your name here
and then get yourself on the contest mailing list:
Today is the last day to discuss the rules of the contest before they
become final, so if you want to change anything, speak now or forever
hold your peace.
I will also be posting instructions on how to go about making
submissions on the contest ML.
Remember, there is no expectation or obligation for you to work the
whole 24 hours. An hour or two is probably plenty of time to come in,
help out, score a few points, and win a few bucks.
I am going to halt all SVN commits for 24 hours before the contest
begins, so that people can get familiar with the software.
Now, onto announcement two.
== Ruby Reports 0.4.23, The “Workin’ In a Coal Mine” Edition ==
This is Ruport’s 9th release since the start of summer of code.
For the full SoC CHANGELOG:
== What is Ruport? ==
Ruby Reports (Ruport) is a free software library and toolset that is
designed to make the task of building reporting applications less
painful. Ruport supports data acquisition from both files and
databases, and provides tools for munging and manipulating data as
needed. Additionally, Ruport supports a highly extensible formatting
system which can currently handle HTML, PDF, CSV and plaintext output.
Other helpful utilities are continuously being extracted from real
world applications.
== What’s New in This Release? ==
Three major changes.
- The Database Interaction (Ruport::Query) was broken in 0.4.21
It is no longer broken
The Invoice Engine I’ve been constantly talking about finally has a
simple proof of concept. See
An HTML Plugin will follow soon, though this is still rough around the
edges, of course.
Ruport now comes with a command-line tool called ‘rope’ which will
help generate some basic things like config files, unit tests, etc.
There is a very long, tedious, drawn out screencast here:
I suggest simply running rope project_name though and poking around,
it’s probably faster. I will reshoot some good screencasts
to try building a report, once you’ve generated your project do:
ruby util/build.rb report my_report
Yeah, this is some heavy borrowing from rails
It’s also brand new, so beware of dragons.
== How do I get it? ==
gem install Ruport
Details: http://ruport.infogami.com/Installation
You can also grab it via SVN or download it straight from RubyForge.
== Resources ==
Links to all of our resources are available on the front page and the
sidebar of our website.
The best source of information is direct communication at this point,
so be sure to hunt down Dudley, Dinko, or me on IRC or the ruport
mailing list.
== Acknowledgements ==
James H., for providing a fine base for the invoice engine.