Rvm and clone repositories

I knew about rvm in this group about a month ago and I used it to create
project specific gemset for my first application with the --ruby-version
This creates the ‘.ruby-version’ and ‘.ruby-gemset’ files used by rvm to
load the correct gemset when I enter the directory. That’s useful.

Probably because I have not much experience about rvm, I still have to
understand how to use it with clone repositories.
I suppose the original application was created with a determined ruby
version and gemset.
Am I expected to deduce the ruby version of the original application,
install it and create with rvm that precise gemset for the clone?
What am I supposed to do?

If my questions sound absurd or naive to an experienced user, probably
I hope you will forgive me for that

On 22 March 2016 at 10:43, krfg [email protected] wrote:

Am I expected to deduce the ruby version of the original application,
install it and create with rvm that precise gemset for the clone?
What am I supposed to do?

Are you on a new computer? If so then you first have to install rvm of

In a terminal change to the directory of the cloned app. I am not
entirely certain, but am pretty sure that rvm will then prompt you to
install the required ruby. If it tells you to manually install the
required ruby then after that go out of that directory and back in
again. I think it will automatically create the gemset. Try it and
see. I can’t remember exactly what happens, but I know it will either
sort it out itself or tell you what to do. Then run
bundle install
to install the gems. Come back if you have a problem.
