I have a Macbook with Snow Leopard and Macports. I have successfully
run the script displayed below the heading “The following script will
boostrap git + RVM…” on the page:
However I can find no .bash_profile or .bashrc on my machine. The
closest existing files are .profile in my root, .bash_login in my
root, and setup.bash.in in a subfolder of Macports. I have tried
[[ -s “$HOME/.rvm/scripts/rvm” ]] && . “$HOME/.rvm/scripts/rvm” #
This loads RVM into a shell session.
to each of them but the result is the same after closing Terminal and
reopening it:
$ rvm list
-bash: rvm: command not found
Should I be creating a file and adding that line? If so, what should I
call it and where should I put it? Is there some other solution?
Remove the script loading line from any file you’ve put it in so far.
It needs to go in ~/.bashrc or ~/.bash_profile. If they aren’t there,
create them and put that line in there.
If you need more help, please visit the irc chat #rvm on freenode, as
this mailing list is designated for rails discussion and RVM is not
rails specific in any way.
However I can find no .bash_profile or .bashrc on my machine. The
closest existing files are .profile …
Using ~/.profile is fine AFAIK. It’s what I’ve always used on Mac OS X
and haven’t run into any problems with it yet. I suppose ~/.bash_profile
is a bit more specific when using bash as your default shell. I’m not
sure what other implications there may be to using the more generic
~/.profile, but as I said I’ve not run into any issues using it.
I have a Macbook with Snow Leopard and Macports.
This is just and FYI in case you haven’t yet heard of it, but I much
prefer Homebrew over Macports. I tried Macports a year or two ago and
was constantly frustrated by its invasive nature.
Homebrew feels much less intrusive to me. Maybe some people don’t mind a
package manager that wants to take over your machine, but I’m not one of
You need to create a .bash_profile in root directory, which is usually
your name. Then once .bash_profile exists, if you use textmate, do: mate
.bash_profile and add this line:
source ~/.profile
And then it should work. That’s becuase .profile is what contains the
path and you are just pointing to it from .bash_profile.
.profile is the standard for any Snow Leopard Mac according to the Docs.
I originally kept everything within .bash_profile and .bashrc and
changed over on upgrade. Google for the release docs to find out more.
It looks like the .profile is loaded when no .bash_profile exists, but
that the .bash_profile supercedes .profile when it is found, preventing
it from being loaded. Adding source ~/.profile will fix the problem, yet
as John M. has made a good point about the two I have switch
everything over to .bash_profile
Thanks John
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